About Brain TeachME


Brain TeachME was founded in 2019 by Megan Reimann. The goal of Brain TeachME is to provide individuals with the information they need to help improve student success and positive life outcomes for those impacted by ADHD, executive function delays and other learning differences.

This website is inspired by Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center: Dr. Edward Hallowell & Lesley Todaro have been amazing mentors and inspirations in my pursuit to help individuals with ADHD and other learning differences.

This site provides Teachers, Parents, and Students with resources to manage ADHD and learning disabilities. Improve your education and improve your life with Brain TeachME!

Services We Provide: ( all links coming soon)

  • Ebooks (coming soon)

  • Educational Games (coming soon)

  • Classes/ Lectures (See Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center website for current classes and dates)

  • Workshops (See Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center website for current classes and dates)

  • Events

  • Tools and Pamphlets